This year Christmas was all about the little ones (and I dare say, all years to come will be the same!) and it was so much fun to see their genuine excitement when opening gifts and just being with family. My sister and I also had a lot of fun finding matching outfits for our babes! Check out the bottom of this post to get the details and similar looks!
2014 was an epic year for our family... we started off the year with the birth of Harrison, started the planning process and ultimately building an addition on to our house (still not done, but close!), all while learning how to be parents. You'll have to excuse me while I get a little nostalgic on you, with Harrison's first birthday coming up next week, I've been doing a lot of reflecting on this past year and all that we been through... many sleepless months, constant learning, growing, and sometimes feeling like a failure, and then overcoming that feeling, teething, so many firsts, and then finally feeling like you're a 'ole pro (this feeling comes and goes:)) And although it feels like we did so much in 2014, I still can't believe that it's over and we are onto the next year, with so many new firsts and adventures to experience as a family.
So this year my main goal is to be in the moment as much as possible, and try not to stress over the little things because they too shall pass. So bring it on 2015, I'm ready for you!
As always, thanks for reading!

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