Hi ya'll! I know I've M.I.A. for the past few weeks and I just wanted to check in with you all, see how you are doing and fill you in on a few things. I hope you're still checking this little blog every now and then, because even though I go through dry spells, I do love having this place as an outlet, and sharing it with you.
Anyways, with the weather getting so much nicer, we've been packing up every weekend and either heading down to Deltaville (my safe haven) or the beach (OBX). So we haven't had much progress around the house... other than packing/unpacking and grocery shopping each week, not much is getting done around here. However, we are staying around this weekend so hopefully we will finally finish up the new pantry and get a thorough cleaning done!
I was reading this post this morning and it really resonated with how I am feeling right now in my family life. Harrison is growing up so quickly, and although he's not quite in the toddler phase yet, he's not really a baby anymore either. This time last year (he was only 5 mos old) I barely had a second in the day to take for myself, but it went by so quickly and now (he's almost 1 1/2 yrs old) I finally picked up my kindle again over the weekend and actually started (and finished last night) a book. Just this morning, he rode all the way to work, sitting in his car seat, drinking his sippy cup of milk and "reading" his book about 'eyes'. I could not wipe the goofy smile off my face, while I was watching him in the rear view mirror... he looked so grown up! These little milestones - every new word he says, every new tooth he gets (that we all work so hard for), and even finding time to do things for myself again, make me so so proud of my little family. I guess I've just been feeling super sentimental lately and reading that post this morning just reminded me that we are all constantly changing and going through so much behind the scenes that most people don't even know about. Little shifts in our world can be scary but good.
Some Summer Essentials...

Yay! So glad you're having a good start to the summer - loved being with you for Jordans's birthday!!! xoxo