Thursday, January 5, 2012

Boldly Painted Tables

I've been thinking alot lately about our kitchen table, and all the possibilities it holds. It's a hand-me-down traditional style oval table W's parents gave us. His dad repainted it black for us a few years ago when we moved into our house. I have really enjoyed this table and definitely am not ready for a replacement yet, however, one of our DIY projects, sort of created a new DIY project unintentionally with the table. When we stripped our door last summer to repaint it, we unknownly put the trashbag full of paint chips on the table and the fumes took the paint under the bag straight off. So now our pretty little table has a big round spot the size of a pumpkin stripped of it's finish.

So needless to say this got me thinking about repainting the table, but now I'm considering something other than black? Isn't this the time, while we're young to take risks, especially with old hand-me downs?

So on that note, I'm considering the options. What colors do you like? I'm not sure how bold I would go with this but I'm willing to flirt with the idea for a little while.


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